教員・研究員・スタッフFor Faculty, Researchers & Staff

キム シューマッハ 准教授

「写真:キム シューマッハ 准教授」


- 専門 -



2006-2009: B.A. (European Law), University of Lille (France)
2009-2011: M.A. (International Law), University of Lille (France)
2011-2012: LL.M. (Environmental Law), University of California, Berkeley (USA)
2013-2017: Ph.D. (Environmental Science), University of Tokyo (Japan)
2017-2019: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Sustainable Finance and ESG), University of Oxford (UK)
2019-2022: Lecturer and JSPS Fellow (Sustainable Finance and ESG), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2019-present: Honorary Research Associate (Sustainable Finance and ESG), University of Oxford (UK)
2022-present: Visiting Lecturer (Sustainable Finance and ESG), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
2022-present: Associate Professor (Q-AOS Research Futures Coordinator), Kyushu University (Japan)






GRI GSSB (Global Reporting Initiative - Global Sustainability Standards Board)
CEnv (Chartered Environmentalist) at the SocEnv (Society for the Environment)
IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment)
ISO (International Standards Organization)
IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
ESG (Earth System Governance)


Email: schumacher@q-aos.kyushu-u.ac.jp


Martin, M., Boakye, E., Boyd, E., Broadgate, W., Bustamante, M., Canadell, J., . . . Zhao, Z. (2022). Ten new insights in climate science 2022. Global Sustainability, 1-41. doi:10.1017/sus.2022.17
In., S.Y. and Schumacher, K., 2021, Carbonwashing: ESG Data Greenwashing in a Post-Paris World. In Heller, t. and Seiger, A. (Eds.) of Settling Climate Accounts: Navigating the Road to Net Zero. Palgrave MacMillan, London, UK, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83650-4_3 & https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978- 3-030-83650-4_3
Schumacher, K., 2020, Green investments need global standards and independent scientific review, Nature 584(7822), 524–524, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02472-5
Schumacher, K., 2020, The Shape of Green Fixed Income Investing to Come, The Journal of Environmental Investing 10(1), 5-29, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3663308 and http://www.thejei.com/green-bonds-the- shape-of-green-fixed-income-investing-to-come-2/
Schumacher, K., Chenet, H., and Volz, U., 2020, Sustainable Finance in Japan, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 10(2), 213-243, https://doi.org/10.1080/20430795.2020.1735219
Schumacher, K., 2019, Approval Procedures for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Installations: Comparison of National Legal Frameworks in Japan, New Zealand, the EU and the US, Energy Policy 129, 139-152, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2019.02.013
Schumacher, K. and Yang, Z., 2018, The Determinants of Wind Energy Growth in the United States: Drivers and Barriers to State-Level Development, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 97, 1-13, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.08.017
Schumacher, K., 2017, Large-scale Renewable Energy Project Barriers: Environmental Impact Assessment Streamlining Efforts in Japan and the EU, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 65, 100-110, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2017.05.001
Schumacher, K., 2015, Comparative Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures in Japan and New Zealand, The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice 11(2), 11-21, https://doi.org/10.18848/2325-1166/CGP/v11i02/55348
In, S.Y. and Schumacher, K. 2021. Carbonwashing: A New Type of Carbon Data-related ESG Greenwashing. Stanford University Sustainable Finance Initiative | Working Paper Series. Stanford, CA, USA. Available at https://energy.stanford.edu/sustainable-finance-initiative/publications/working-paper-carbonwashing-new- type-carbon-data-related-esg-greenwashing & https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3901278
Hähl, T., Kube, M., Schütze, F., den Hamer, J., van der Zee, R., Bouveret, G., Caldecott, B., Harnett, E., Schumacher, K., Stolbova, V., Battiston, S., Bingler, J., & Liesch, T. 2021. Carbon Bubble – Analyses, economic risks, measures and instruments. Dessau-Roßlau, Germany. Available at https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/1410/publikationen/2021-07-06_texte_23- 2021_carbon_bubble_eng.pdf
Zhou, X., Caldecott, B.L., Harnett, E., and Schumacher, K., 2020, The Effect of Firm-level ESG Practices on Macroeconomic Performance, University of Oxford | Working Paper No. 20-03, Oxford, UK; SSRN Chicago Booth: Microeconomics Working Paper Series, https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3618748
Schumacher, K. , Chenet, H., and Volz, U., 2020. Sustainable Finance in Japan, ADBI Working Paper 1083, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan, Available at https://www.adb.org/publications/sustainable-finance-japan
Schumacher, K., 2020. ‘Competence greenwashing’ could be the next risk for the ESG industry, Responsible Investor, London, UK, Available at https://www.responsible-investor.com/articles/competence-greenwashing-could-be-the-next-risk-for-the-esg-industry
Dericks, G., Schumacher, K., Bouveret G., Kruitwagen, L., Pfeiffer, A., Caldecott, B., 2018, EU Commission Report: Asset-level data and the Energy Transition - Findings from ET Risk Work Package 2, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Available at http://www.smithschool.ox.ac.uk/research/sustainable-finance/publications/Asset-level-data-and-the-Energy-Transition-Findings-from-ET-Risk-Work-Package2.pdf