
KYUDAI Now in Australia 

Event Report

Kyudai Now Project Australia was organized for three days at the University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, Australia between 8th March to 10th March 2023.

The main aim of this project in Australia was to extend the connection between the researchers at Kyushu University (KU) and the UQ. A total of 9 participants from KU went to UQ and visited several departments on the ground and individually.

KU visitors with Prof. Nogita from UQ

Day 1 (March 8)

Morning: KU visitors’ internal presentation, research interests, and possible collaboration with UQ.

Afternoon: Japanese people working in UQ gave a presentation to KU visitors.

Day 2 (March 9)

Day 2 morning: Roundtable with different departmental heads and discussed the possible collaboration fields between UQ and KU.

Day 3 (March 10)

Day 3: KU visitors gave free time to explore the opportunities within UQ.

Day 3 afternoon: QAOS hosted a symposium on migratory birds. The title of the symposium was, “UQ-CBCS+Q-AOS Joint International Symposium”. 「アジア・オセアニアにおける渡り鳥の越境保全」.

Q-AOS Events

アイキャッチ画像:KYUDAI Now in Australia 


Date 2023/3/08  ~ 2023/3/10