Staff Tatsuro Ishibashi Director, President of Kyushu University - Specialty - Akira HARATA Deputy Director General, Executive Assistant to the President, Professor - Specialty - Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Applied Laser Spectroscopy Shuji SHIMIZU Executive Research Director, Vice President, Professor Emeritus - Specialty - International collaborations, Telemedicine, General Surgery Kimiyo KIKUCHI Director, Department of Research Promotion, Professor - Specialty - Global Health, Maternal and Child Health, Digital Health Fumihiko YOKOTA Coordinator, Department of Research Promotion, Deputy Head of Health Cluster, Associate Prof. - Specialty - Research Area:Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health Toshinori TANAKA Coordinator, Department of Research Promotion, Deputy Head of Nature Cluster, Associate Prof. - Specialty - Policy and Governance for Sustainability Kun QIAN Coordinator, Department of Research Promotion, Deputy Head of Social Cluster, Associate Prof. - Specialty - Psychology (Cognition/Experiment/Culture) Kim SCHUMACHER Coordinator, Department of Research Promotion, Deputy Head of Industrial Cluster, Associate Prof. - Specialty - Sustainable Finance and ESG, Biodiversity Loss, Environmental Science Mami WAKABAYASHI Coodinator, Department of Overseas Engagement, Associate Prof. - Specialty - Global Health Diplomacy, Social Epidemiology, Health system Akane ANAI Assistant Professor - Specialty - Environmental Epidemiology, Public Health Jihwan KIM Research Assistant Professor - Specialty - Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, Protected areas, Environmental planning Harsha Prakash Research fellow of Nature Cluster - Specialty - Marine Immunology, Molecular Biology, Hybridoma technology Lihang HU Research Fellow - Specialty - Environmental engineering, Geotechnical engineering Abedin NUREN Researcher of Health Cluster - Specialty - Business, Information Science Wakako SATOMURA Assistant Professor and Sosial Cluster - Specialty - Sociology, Gender studies Administrative Office