
Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series The 139th Seminar “Rideshare and Social Business to achieve Gender Equality”

Brown Bag Seminar

アイキャッチ画像:Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series The 139th Seminar “Rideshare and Social Business to achieve Gender Equality”

九州大学アジア・オセアニア研究教育機構(Q-AOS)では「Brown Bag Seminar Series」を毎週水曜日のランチタイムに開催いたします。本学のアジア・オセアニア地域やSDGsに関連する最新の研究活動を多くの方に知っていただき、異分野研究ネットワークや交流やきっかけの場を提供できればと思います。どなたでも気軽に御参加いただける内容となっております。途中参加、途中退室もOKです。皆様の御参加をお待ちしております。


Date 2024/5/08 12:10 ~ 2024/5/08 12:50
Style Zoom Webinar
Language Bilingual Japanese-English support (simultaneous interpretation)
Admission Fee Free
The maximum number for the webinar participants 500 people
Contact Person:Kyushu University Q-AOS Administrative Office
E-mail:aoevent★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Please change ★ to @)


Transportation stands at the core of a nation's foundational infrastructure and the planning of its communities. The more meticulously and purposefully it is designed, the greater the resilience of both the community and the nation. Nonetheless, this crucial element is notably deficient in developing nations. In these regions, the difficulties of community mobility and transport have persistently been neglected, particularly for women and minor individuals. The absence of safe and reliable transportation systems adversely affects their opportunities for education, job retention, and career advancement during critical periods of vulnerability in a young woman's life. The researcher conducts an in-depth analysis of the communities in developing nations, exploring the current situation, underlying issues, challenges, and the development of solutions through technology. Her research aims to enhance the safety and accessibility of transportation for all using the rideshare technology and social business approach, contributing to the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals Numbers 5, 8, and 11, and advancing the mobility and overall well-being of women in developing countries.


12:10 – 12:15 Introduction
Assoc. Prof. Kim SCHUMACHER (Q-AOS Coodinator)

12:15 – 12:40 "Rideshare and Social Business to achieve Gender Equality”

Nuren Abedin, Researcher
(Faculty of information Science and Electrical Rngineering / Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies)

12:40 – 12:50 Q&A

※The recorded video will be available on our website at a later date for a limited time.
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・Information For Participants: PDF

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