The 2nd Asian Symposium on Entomophagy Event Report Report for the 2nd Asian Symposium on Entomophagy The Asia Oceania Research and Education Organization of Kyushu University held the 2nd Asian Entomophagy Symposium at I2CNER Hall, Kyushu University on Friday, November 24, 2023. This symposium is held to collect and disseminate information on the use, culture, and industry of entomophagy in Asian countries, and to build an international research and development network on entomophagy. Last year, the symposium was held online from the viewpoint of preventing infectious diseases, but this year we were able to hold the symposium completely on-site. The symposium began with opening remarks by Kyushu University’s executive vice president and Leader of Environment and Food Unit, FS Headquarters, Prof. Emer. Dr. Susumu FUKUDA, and Leader of Environment and Food Unit, FS Headquarters, followed by presentations on the latest trends in entomophagy in various countries and industries by seven people at the forefront of research and development of entomophagy in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, France, and Japan, invited from universities, research institutions, companies and NPOs. <Session 1: Entomophagy in Asia> Dr. Eric DEHARO, the research director of the Mivegec Unit of the Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD), France -Cricket Farming in Laos, Challenges and Hopes. Dr. Wasaporn Preteseille CHANPUT, a lecturer from the Faculty of Agri-industry, Kasetsart University, Thailand -Insect Eating Perception in Thailand KHUAT Thi Thuy, a senior researcher at the Department of Research Planning & International Cooperation, Food Industries Research Institute, Vietnam -Edible Insects as a Food Source in Vietnam and its Future Prospects Mr. SAEKI Shinjiro, the director of NPO Japan Edible Insect Science Lab -Empowerment of Farming Insects for Traditional Entomophagy Unlocks New Options for Nutrition and Income Improvement in Laos <Session 2: Entomophagy in Japan> Prof. Dr. IUCHI Yoshihito from the Faculty of Agriculture at Yamaguchi University -Functional Properties of Insect Food Dr. Seiji TAKEDA, an associate professor from the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Kyoto Prefectural University -Circular-agricultural System Using Crop Plants and Edible Insects Mr. Takeo SAITO, the CEO of TAKEO Inc -Current Trends of Edible Insects in Japan: from E-commerce to Asakusa introduction to the initiatives and studies on entomophagy at Kyushu University Prof. Dr. Takahiro KUSAKABE, senior vice president of Kyushu University -Introduction of Insect Science and Creative Entomology Center and Establishment of Insect Food Science and Insect DX Research Laboratories Dr. Satoshi KAMITANI, an associate professor from the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University -A Sustainable Approach for Japanese Horn Beetle Farming Finally, Prof. Akira HARATA, senior vice president of Kyushu University and the deputy director of the Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies, gave closing remarks and presented commemorative gifts including silkworm cookies, a representative of Kyushu University’s entomophagy products, to all the speakers. The event ended on a high note with a wide-ranging exchange of opinions on research and development, educational activities, and industrialization of entomophagy. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the Lecturers and Speakers, participants, and related parties. Photo 1. Invited speakers and main participants of the 2nd Asian Symposium on Entomophagy Photo 2. Opening remarks by Prof. Emer. Dr. Susumu FUKUDA, the Kyushu University’s executive vice president Photo 3. Invited talk by Dr. Eric DEHARO, a research director from the Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD), France Photo 4. Invited talk by Dr. Wasaporn Preteseille CHANPUT, a lecturer from Kasetsart University, Thailand Photo 5. Invited talk by MSc. KHUAT Thi Thuy, a senior researcher from the Food Industries Research Institute, Vietnam Photo 6. Invited talk by Mr. SAEKI Shinjiro, the director of NPO Japan Edible Insect Science Lab. Photo 7. Invited talk by Prof. Dr. IUCHI Yoshihito from Yamaguchi University Photo 8. Invited talk by Dr. Seiji TAKEDA, an associate professor from Kyoto Prefectural University Photo 9. Invited talk by Mr. Takeo SAITO, the CEO of TAKEO Inc. Photo 10. Introduction of Kyushu University’s initiative on entomophagy by Prof. Dr. Takahiro KUSAKABE, senior vice president of Kyushu University Photo 11. Report on Kyushu University’s entomophagy study by Dr. Satoshi KAMITANI, an associate professor at Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University Photo 12. Closing remarks by Prof. Dr. Akira HARATA, senior vice president of Kyushu University and the deputy director of the Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies. Photo 13. Moderation and the announcement for the next symposium by Dr. Kun QIAN, an associate professor at Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies. Photo 14. Commemorative gifts including Kyushu University’s insect food product, the Silkworm Cookie, were presented to the invited speakers. Photo 15. Q&A after the invited talk Photo 16. Coffee break and networking Q-AOS Events Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies is hosting this event with the aim of collecting and disseminating information on insect consumption, culture, and industry in various Asian countries. The goal is to establish an international research and development network on insect consumption. Details Date 2023/11/24 12:30 ~ 2023/11/24 17:00 Target General, High school students, Elementary and junior high school students, Current students and staff, Others Venue I²CNER Hall, I²CNER Bldg. 1, Ito Campus, Ito Campus, Kyushu University No.77 building on the following map Seating capacity 100 people, in order of arrival Participation fee Free of charge Registration method Advanced registration required ※ Inquiries Name: Dr. Kun Qian Mail: qian.kun.681★ ※Please replace ★ with @ Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies is hosting this event with the aim of collecting and disseminating information on insect consumption, culture, and industry in various Asian countries. The goal is to establish an international research and development network on insect consumption. Following last year's online event in the pandemic, this year's event will be held entirely onsite. Seven experts at the forefront of entomophagy research and development from universities, research institutions, companies, and non-profit organizations in Japan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and France have been invited to Kyushu University. They will present the latest trends in insect consumption in their respective countries and industries. At the end of the symposium, Kyushu University will also share information on its research and latest initiatives on entomophagy. This event is supported by the Environment & Food Unit, Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society, Kyushu University, conducting feasibility studies aimed at creating environmental and food research cores that lead social change. Moderator Dr. Kun QIAN Associate Professor, Research Futures Coordinator Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies Program 12:30 Venue Open & Registration 13:00 Opening Remarks Prof. Emer. Dr. Susumu FUKUDA Executive Vice President, Kyushu University <Session 1: Entomophagy in Asia> 13:10 "Cricket Farming in Laos, Challenges and Hopes" Dr. Eric DEHARO Research Director, Mivegec Unit, Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD), France 13:35 "Insect Eating Perception in Thailand" Dr. Wasaporn Preteseille CHANPUT Lecturer, Faculty of Agri-industry, Kasetsart University, Thailand 14:00 "Edible Insects as a Food Source in Vietnam and its Future Prospects" MSc. KHUAT Thi Thuy Senior Researcher, Department of Research Planning & International Cooperation, Food Industries Research Institute, Vietnam 14:25 "Empowerment of Farming Insects for Traditional Entomophagy Unlocks New Options for Nutrition and Income Improvement in Laos" Mr. SAEKI Shinjiro Director, NPO Japan Edible Insect Science Lab., Japan 14:50 Coffee Break & Networking <Session 2: Entomophagy in Japan> 15:10 "Functional Properties of Insect Food" Prof. Dr. IUCHI Yoshihito Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University 15:35 "Circular-agricultural System Using Crop Plants and Edible Insects" Dr. Seiji TAKEDA Associate Professor, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University 16:00 "Current Trends of Edible Insects in Japan: from E-commerce to Asakusa" Mr. Takeo SAITO CEO, TAKEO Inc. 16:25 "Initiatives and Studies on Entomophagy at Kyushu University" - Introduction of Insect Science and Creative Entomology Center and Establishment of Insect Food Science and Insect DX Research Laboratories Prof. Dr. Takahiro KUSAKABE Senior Vice President, Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University - A Sustainable Approach for Japanese Horn Beetle Farming Dr. Satoshi KAMITANI Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 16:55 Closing Remarks Prof. Dr. Akira HARATA Senior Vice President, Kyushu University Deputy Director General, Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies Co-host Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies Environment & Food Unit, Integrated Initiative for Designing Future Society, Kyushu University Insect Science and Creative Entomology Center, Kyushu University Back to all events Click here for the application form