
Quantitative Text Analysis and Social Science

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アイキャッチ画像:Quantitative Text Analysis and Social Science

The Kickoff Symposium of the Japan Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS) will be held. Within this symposium, "Quantitative Text Analysis and Social Science" will be held as a co-sponsored session of the Cultural Dynamics Cluster Information Module.

Quantitative text analysis is a method for analyzing specific document information to reveal shared perceptions and ideas in society based on frequently occurring words and connections between words. Especially in recent years, analysis technology called "text mining," in which a large amount of text data is analyzed by computer, has progressed. By analyzing text (written) data in a quantitative manner, it is possible to visualize information that cannot be grasped by human readers alone. For this reason, quantitative text analysis is used in a wide range of fields in the social sciences, including government documents, speeches by politicians, media reports, and open-ended statements in questionnaires. In this session, we will examine the potential of econometric text analysis as a methodology for uncovering specific perceptions and ideas shared by society, particularly in light of research trends in econometric text analysis in the social sciences. Specifically, "sustainability" in corporate reports, "risk" in reports on the nuclear power plant accident, and "external image" in politicians' speeches will be examined as case studies, respectively.


Date 2022/6/20 12:00 ~ 2022/6/20 14:00
Venue ZOOM(URL for participats will be sent after registration)
Admission Fee Free
Contact Toru Oga (Faculty of Law)

Date & Time

Monday, June 20, 12:00-14:00, Online Session


Chair: Masahiro Kozuka (Okayama University)

Chair: Toru Oga (Kyushu University, The head of Information Module Q-AOS)

Presenter: Norihiro Nihei (The University of Tokyo)

Presenter: Tomoe Kato (Fukuoka Women's Junior College)

Rapporteur: Toru Oga (Kyushu University)

Discussant: Tetsuya Nakatoh (Nakamura Gakuen University)

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Kick-off page is here!