Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies (Q-AOS) Brown Bag Seminar Series The 72th Seminar 「Kyushu University's International Strategy ~ Heading in the right direction ~」 Brown Bag Seminar The Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series are held every Wednesday lunch time from April 2021. The purpose of this webinar series is to provide opportunities not only to learn research related with SDGs in Asian and Oceanian regions and but also to expand your research network in different academic areas. The webinar is free, available in English and Japanese, and open to everyone! We hope you all come and join us! Details Date 2022/11/02 12:10 ~ 2022/11/02 12:50 Style Zoom Webinar Language Bilingual Japanese-English support (simultaneous interpretation) Admission Fee Free The maximum number for the webinar participants 500 people Contact Person:Kyushu University Q-AOS Administrative Office TEL:+81-92-802-2603・2605 E-mail:aoevent★ change ★ to @) Abstract In today's globalized and competitive environment, universities around the world face numerous challenges, and the recent pandemic and geopolitical shifts aren’t making our lives any easier. For universities to survive and thrive in the face of such challenges, they must improve their strategic approaches and prepare for anticipated and unanticipated future challenges – and Kyushu University is no exception. In this seminar, I will introduce Kyushu University’s international strategy which is based on its VISION 2030. Under VISION 2030, Kyushu University is strengthening its research capabilities, contributing to the world community by addressing global issues, and cultivating young human resources through systematic international engagement. I will also touch upon the mobility of international and Japanese students and researchers prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Together with the audience I would like to find out if we are headed in the right direction. Program 12:10 – 12:15 Introduction Prof. Scott Valentine (Research Promotion Director of Q-AOS) 12:15 – 12:40 "Kyushu University's International Strategy ~ Heading in the right direction ~ ” Professor Natalie KONOMI (Global Strategies Office Kyushu University) 12:40 – 12:50 Q&A Material ・Information For Participants: PDF ※Simultaneous interpretation function cannot be used on a web browser. Please download the Zoom application from here. Slides: PDF Privacy statement Your registration data will only be used for this webinar and the next webinar notification mails. Back to all events