UPCOMING BBS Brown Bag Seminar Details Date 2022/4/01 ~ 2025/3/31 Style Zoom Webinar Language Bilingual Japanese-English support (simultaneous interpretation) Admission Fee Free The maximum number for the webinar participants 500 people Contact Person:Kyushu University Q-AOS Administrative Office TEL:+81-92-802-2603・2605 E-mail:aoevent★jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp(Please change ★ to @) Upcoming BBS #175 February 5 12: 10-12: 50 (JST) "Chiral amino acid analysis for the discovery of biomarkers and functional molecules” Professor, Kenji Hamase (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Poster Registration #176 February 12 12: 10-12: 50 (JST) "Low-temperature plasma applications to achieve sustainable development goals” Associate Professor. Pankaj Attri (Center of Plasma Nano-interface Engineering) Poster Registration #177 February 19 12: 10-12: 50 (JST) "The Global Expansion of International Educational Exchange and the Importance of Foreign Credential Evaluation (FCE)” Associate Professor, Wataru Hanai (Faculty of Human-Environment Studies Department of Education) Poster Registration #178 February 26 12: 10-12: 50 (JST) "Engineering the "Cellular Skeleton": Designing and Building Cell-Like Materials from Molecules” Associate Professor, Daisuke Inoue (Faculty of Design Department of Design Futures) Poster Registration Registration form Application start date Application end date Back to all events